Design Group Administrative Staff
Please contact Loran Lusvardi with updates.
Ysabelle Bernal
ME310 Administrator
Kristin Burns
Design Group Manager
Brittany (Coffer) Schwartz
Program Administrator
Life Design Lab
Product Realization Laboratory
Kristin Burns
Adjunct Lecturer Dave Jaffe's teaching
Prof. Sean Follmer
Prof. Monroe Kennedy
Prof. Tom Kenny
Prof. Michaelle Mayalu (non-research)
Prof. Allison Okamura (non-research)
Prof. Emeritus Bernie Roth
Madhavi Hegde
ME310 Administrator
Loran Lusvardi
Front Desk Administrator
d'Arbeloff Lab Coordinator
Adjunct Prof. Emeritus Ed Carryer
Lecturer Karl Gumerlock's teaching
Prof. Emeritus Drew Nelson
Theresa Rowland
Dynamic Design Lab Administrator
Prof. Emeritus Chris Gerdes
Dynamic Design Lab
Adele Tanaka
CARS: Center for Automotive Research at Stanford Associate Director
Gosia Wojciechowska
Center for Design Research Administrator
Prof. Mark Cutkosky
Prof. Allison Okamura (research)
Prof. Emerita Sheri Sheppard
CDR Administration
ENGR311A & ME Women's Group (through 3/31/25, then to Brittany)
Frances Yang
Product Realization Laboratory Administrator
Lecturer Marlo Dreissigacker Kohn
Sr. Lecturer Craig Milroy
Lecturer Dan Somen
Design Group Staff Calendar: see Outlook resource calendar