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How to Use the Design Group Job Posting Service

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For Employers

Organizations and individuals are welcome to submit job and internship postings relevant to the Mechanical Engineering design community.  Postings will be sent to a self-subscribed list including members of the following groups:  current design graduate students, undergraduate students, faculty, and alumni.  Once job postings go out they can not be edited or deleted. Posts are saved in our web archive even after jobs are filled so that students may see a history of available positions.

Postings to our list will also be sent to Stanford Career Education (BEAM). They will post your job to their Cardinal Careers job board at no charge, and send you confirmation when it's completed. They'll also provide you with additional information on how you can post any future jobs yourself. (Note:  if you post directly with BEAM your post will not go to the design jobs service. For that you'll need to follow the procedure described here.)

Stanford has established recruiting guidelines for both Stanford students and employers. Here's a link to Stanford University's employer guidelines and job offer policy. If you have any questions about the guidelines, please contact BEAM.

To post a job:

  • The job posting email must be sent to by an authorized member of the hiring firm, from a company email address
  • The email must begin with a statement that the hiring firm agrees with Stanford's employer recruiting guidelines
  • The job posting should be in plain, unformatted text, within the body of an email message (no attachments), one job per message. Please be sure to include the work location (city and state) and the email address of the company contact.
  • The subject line should follow this format:
    job title, company name (work location city, state)

Please consider a token donation to ME Design to offset the administrative costs of providing this service.

Beyond suggesting that you contact Stanford Career Ed, we do not have information about similar posting opportunities that may be offered elsewhere at Stanford.  The Mechanical Engineering Department does not have a job posting service.  (2/24/23 kburns)