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Sr Research Engineer

Ade Mabogunje

Sr Research Engineer
Ade Mabogunje conducts research on the design thinking process with a view to instrumenting and measuring the process and giving feedback to design thinking teams on ways to improve their performance. He works in collaboration with partners in the engineering education, design practice and investment community as a participant-observer in the practice of building and developing ecosystems that support accelerated and continuous innovation in products and services. Prior to this he was the associate director of the Stanford Center for Design Research (CDR). He was also the lead of the Real-time Venture Design Lab program (ReVeL) in the school of Humanities and Sciences. His industry experience includes engineering positions at the French Oil Company Elf (now Total) and research collaboration with Artificial Intelligence Scientists at NASA Ames. He has publications in the areas of design theory and methodology, knowledge management, emotions in engineering, design protocol analysis, and engineering-design education.


PhD, Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering - Design Process (1997)
MS, Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering (1990)
B.Sc. First Class, University of Lagos, Mechanical Engineering (1984)


(650) 468-0684
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