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Project Opportunity: ENGR104S

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ENGR104S – Designing Your Stanford

DYS uses a Design Thinking approach to help freshmen and sophomores learn practical tools and ideas to make the most of their Stanford experience. Topics include the purpose of college, major selection, educational and vocational wayfinding, and innovating college outcomes, explored through the design thinking process. This seminar class incorporates small group discussion, in-class activities, field exercises, personal reflection, and individual coaching. Expect ideation tools, storytelling practices, prototyping to discover more about yourself and possible paths forward. The course concludes with creation of multiple versions of what college might look like and how to make those ideas reality.  Additional course information at the Designing Your Stanford web site.

Project time frame: winter and spring quarters (January through mid-March, April through mid-June)

Proposal timing:  contact Adjunct Professor Bill Burnett

Fee:  $45,000 for one project, typically 2‐3 weeks. This fee applies to academic year 2024-2025 and is subject to change in future years.

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