Assistive Robotics and Manipulation Laboratory (ARM)
ARM’s focus is the development of robotic assistants (mobile manipulators and humanoids) with the goal of deployment for service tasks that may be highly dynamic and require dexterity, situational awareness and human-robot collaboration.
Monroe Kennedy III
Biomimetics and Dextrous Manipulation Laboratory (BDML)
Modeling and control of dextrous manipulation with robotic and teleoperated hands; force and tactile feedback in telemanipulation and virtual environments. Located at Building 02-660 Rm 132.
Mark Cutkosky
BioMotion Research Laboratory
A unique multidisciplinary facility focused on osteoarthritis and the mechanics of sports injury through studies that examine the interactions between the biomechanics of movement, joint structure, cell biology and clinical medicine.
Tom Andriacchi
Center for Design Research (CDR)
A community of scholars focused on understanding and augmenting engineering design innovation and design education.
Mark Cutkosky
Collaborative Haptics and Robotics in Medicine Lab (CHARM Lab)
Developing principles and tools to realize advanced robotic and human-machine systems capable of haptic (touch) interaction.
d’Arbeloff Undergraduate Research and Teaching Lab
Bldg 520, Room 145. In this unique facility, the ME Department holds undergraduate project-based classes, and offers our students the opportunity to build and collaborate.
Darve Research Group
Prof. Darve's focus is on numerical linear algebra (fast linear solvers, fast QR factorization, eigenvalue solvers, applications in geoscience and electric power grid), physics-informed machine learning (inverse modeling using PhysML, auto-encoders, GAN for uncertainty in predictive and inverse modeling, Kriging and statistical inversing, applications in geoscience, fluid mechanics and computational mechanics), anomaly detection (GAN-based algorithms, self-supervised machine learning, applications with Ford and SLAC linear accelerator), reinforcement learning for engineering applications (optimal control, application in 3D metal printing).
Designing Education Lab (DEL)
Investigating a broad range of engineering education topics, from the persistence of students and alumni in engineering fields to the impact of exposure to entrepreneurship on engineering students’ career interests.
Sheri Sheppard
Dynamic Design Lab (DDL)
Vehicle dynamics, design of x-by-wire systems, driver assistance systems and control of homogeneous charge compression ignition engines. The primary lab space is located in the Mechanical Engineering Research Lab (MERL), Room 130.
Chris Gerdes
Eaton Lab
We conduct basic and applied research in complex turbulent flows motivated by problems in a variety of areas including gas turbine cooling, volcanic eruptions, renewable energy systems, cardiovascular diseases, and atmospheric dispersion of contaminants.
FX Lab
Our research is concerned with the fundamental understanding, modeling, and experimental investigation of chemical reacting flows pertaining to energy conversion, energy storage, and propulsion.
Matthias Ihme
Feig Lab
The Feig lab aims to develop low-cost, noninvasive, and widely-accessible technologies that integrate seamlessly with the human body.
The Flow Physics and Aeroacoustics Laboratory (FPAL)
It is our goal to advance the state of the art in computational and theoretical fluid dynamics, with a particular emphasis on problems of practical interest to mechanical and aerospace engineers, including high-speed propulsion, aircraft noise, wind energy, and inertial confinement fusion.
Sanjiva Lele
Heterogeneous Combustion Lab
High Performance Computing Center (HPCC)
The High Performance Computing Center (HPCC) at Stanford University is an entirely self sustaining academic service center run primarily by undergraduate students. Through this Center, undergraduate students get an intensive learning experience and have the opportunity to work on production HPC systems, which has a significant positive impact on their future careers.
Steve Jones, Director
High Temperature Gasdynamics Lab (HTGL)
The HTGL houses research on high temperature, high speed and reacting flows. The lab includes several shock tubes for study of both high-speed flows and reaction kinetics, a supersonic combustion wind tunnel, a large plasma torch, several high-vacuum chambers, a research furnace, several smaller combustion facilities and extensive laser-diagnostics capabilities.
Larson Lab
Our mission is to enable sustainable manufacturing of efficient and multifunctional materials systems.
Life Design Lab
The Stanford Life Design Lab applies design thinking to tackling the "wicked" problems of life and vocational wayfinding.
Magic Laboratory
Research in Magic Lab is focused primarily on two distinct areas, namely: (a) chemical reactions for sustainable energy; (b) optical imaging at atomic scales.
Arun Majumdar
Mani Research Lab
We are interested in fluid dynamic processes that involve strong coupling with mass transport and commonly involve turbulence and chaos. Our goal is to develop simple understanding of such processes that enables development of predictive models appropriate for design optimization and engineering analysis.
Ali Mani
Mayalu Lab
We are a newly established group in Stanford's Mechanical Engineering Department led by Prof. Michaëlle N. Mayalu. Prof. Mayalu's background in control theory drives the lab’s mission to establish novel computational, dynamical systems, and control theoretic tools for understanding, controlling, and predicting responses of biological systems with respect to healthcare. Specifically, we investigate how to optimize biomedical therapeutic designs using theoretical and computational approaches coupled with experiments.
Michaëlle Mayalu
The ME310 Design Team Development Loft
Globally distributed product development teams working on corporate projects are assigned a desktop design station with internet video studio support.
Mark Cutkosky
Micro and Nano Mechanics Group
Predicting mechanical strength of materials through theory and simulations of defect microstructures across atomic, mesoscopic and continuum scales; developing new atomistic simulation methods for long time-scale processes, such as crystal growth and self-assembly.
Wei Cai
Micro Structures and Sensors Lab
Leveraging silicon microfabrication techniques to create micro-devices that include ultra-stable timing references and high-performance sensors.
Tom Kenny
NanoEnergy Lab
Theories and applications of nanoparticles and nanostructures for rechargeable batteries and supercapacitors, combustion simulations and nanocatalysis.
Hai Wang
NanoHeat Lab
Studying heat transfer in electronic nanostructures & packaging, microfluidic heats sincs and thermoelectric & photonic energy conversion devices.
Ken Goodson
Nanomaterials Synthesis Lab
Interfacial science among combustion, nanomaterials and energy conversion.
Xiaolin Zheng
Nanoscale Prototyping Laboratory (NPL)
Creates, models and prototypes nanoscale structures to understand the physics of electrical energy conversion and storage.
Fritz Prinz
NeuroMuscular Biomechanics Laboratory
Combining experimental and computational approaches to study movement.
Scott Delp
Product Realization Laboratory (PRL)
A multi-site teaching facility with roots in ME and deep synergies with the Stanford Design Program and the, where Stanford students design and create objects of lasting value. Located in Building 550, Room 102.
Steve Collins
Developing advanced technologies in robotics, mechatronics and sensing to create interactive, dynamic, physical 3D displays and haptic interfaces that allow 3D information to be touched as well as seen.
Sean Follmer
Smart Product Design Laboratory (SPDL)
Supports microprocessor application projects for ME218ABCD.
Tom Kenny
Karl Gumerlock
Soft Intelligent Materials Laboratory
Our research focus is on the fundamental understanding and development of soft intelligent material systems employing stimuli-responsive materials.
Renee Zhao
Soft Tissue Biomechanics Laboratory (STBL)
Tissue biomechanics, mechanobiology and tissue engineering focused on musculoskeletal soft tissues.
Marc Levenston
Stanford Biomechatronics Laboratory
Developing wearable robots to improve human mobility, using a combination of theory, design and experiment to improve stability and energy efficiency for individuals whose strength and coordination have been affected by amputation, stroke or aging.
Steve Collins
Stanford Microfluidics Laboratory
Our lab leverages the physical regimes associated with micro- and nanoscale transport to design and optimize novel fluidic systems. We design, model, build, and experimentally study a wide variety of devices with applications ranging from biotechnology of the water/energy nexus.
Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Engineering (UQLAB)
Volkswagen Automotive Innovation Lab (VAIL)
A state-of-the-art vehicle research facility where interdisciplinary teams work on projects that keep vehicle technology moving forward.
Chris Gerdes
Zheng Group
We are interested in design, synthesize, and test nanomaterials for energy and propulsion applications. Our applications area include solar energy conversion and storage, waste heat utilization, water purification, and fuel design for propulsion.
Xiaolin Zheng