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Master’s Program

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The Master’s Program is designed principally for students who wish to enter industry as practicing professionals.

Master of Science

The Mechanical Engineering Department offers a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering (MSME), plus one specialized degree (Master of Science in Engineering: Biomechanical Engineering). In addition, an MS in Engineering (no field designation) is available to students who wish to follow an interdisciplinary program of study.

The MSME Program is a 45-unit course of study. The basic requirements are discussed in the Stanford Bulletin.

Thesis & research

No thesis is required, but there is an opportunity for students to become involved in research projects during their master’s year. Students interested in this opportunity should make arrangements with a faculty member to supervise their research and enroll in ME391 or ME392 as “approved electives” to receive academic credit meeting the MSME degree requirements. Students can count up to 6 units of research towards their MS degree.

Part-time MS program

Students may enroll in a part time MS-ME degree program through the Stanford Engineering Center for Global & Online Education (CGOE). CGOE also offers several non-degree option certificates, and exciting free webinars. For more information, please see the CGOE website.

Degree of Engineer - Post-MS Program

The Degree of Engineer is less frequently pursued and requires an additional year of study beyond the master's degree and includes a research thesis. The program is designed for students who want to engage in more specialized study than is afforded by the master's degree alone. It is generally for current MS or PhD students. Admission is not only based on a student's academic record and a potential for research but also on finding a faculty member willing to provide research supervision.

Contact the ME Student Services Office for more information on the Degree of Engineer.