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Industry Affiliate Program for Teaching Design Thinking

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Membership in this program gives industrial representatives the opportunity for close association with the faculty and students in one of the nation's most highly regarded design education programs.

Companies are welcome to send job postings for electronic distribution to Design students and alumni


Our affiliate companies are eligible to participate in project courses. Student teams and/or individuals are involved in the synthesis of design solutions to problems that are supplied by industry.

An annual meeting is held on campus to which all members of the program are invited. This gathering provides an important opportunity to meet with students, exchange technical information and ideas with others, and obtain information on current and future developments in Design. This meeting emphasizes the importance of constant involvement between all of us through workshops, student activities, research and personal contact.

An important part of the Affiliate's role is to ensure that faculty and students are aware of industrial conditions and needs, keeping them current on present developments and future plans via a constant exchange of theory and methodology. This will assure that teaching and research within the academic system are in tune with industrial interests and concerns.

Faculty Liaison

Direct links are established by individual choice between a member of the faculty and a corporate Affiliate representative. Through this close association, areas of interest common to both organizations are identified and joint projects formulated. The faculty liaison assures a satisfactory response to corporate Affiliate needs. This is accomplished through visits to Affiliate facilities, by providing information about current Design activities and by supporting student recruiting activities. Close contact between the Affiliate and the Design Group fosters continued commitment and is a vital component of the Design Group's Affiliate Program. Site presentations and all information, data and results arising from such visitation interactions will be shared with all members and the public.

Stanford University Industrial Affiliate Programs website

Stanford University Policies for Industry Affiliates Programs:  Establishment of Industrial Affiliates and Related Membership-Supported Programs

Program Membership Fees and Benefits

Members of the Industry Affiliate Program for Teaching Design Thinking become active participants in our classes by proposing a joint project to be undertaken by a team of students working under faculty supervision, with an Affiliate company liaison, and mentored by design coaches. Faculty work with the Affiliate to identify customer and client needs and define the right balance of technical challenge, discovery opportunity, and educational value. These engagements typically last 10 to 30 weeks (1 to 3 quarters).

ME218D Smart Product Design 
Fee:  $9500 plus prototyping materials and related expenses

ME310A/BC Global Engineering Design Thinking, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
Fee:  $150,000

Life Design Lab 
Annual Membership Fee:  $125,000
Quarterly Membership Fee: $45,000

To explore opportunities for participation in detail, please review our Stanford Mechanical Engineering Design Project Opportunities with Industry.  

Member Companies

Complete list of Stanford University Industrial Affiliate Programs