Affiliate Programs

Stanford encourages interaction with companies and welcomes industry participation in our research. Mechanical Engineering has several Affiliate Programs that facilitate knowledge and technology transfer between industry and academia.
Learn more about the benefits of joining an affiliate program
Biomechanical Engineering Affiliates Program
Stanford’s Biomechanical Engineering (BME) Corporate Affiliates Program fosters interactions and exchange of ideas between BME and interested parties from industry.
Center for Design Research Affiliates Program
The Center for Design Research (CDR) is a community of scholars focused on understanding and augmenting engineering design innovation practice and education. We are dedicated to facilitating individual creativity, understanding the team design process and developing advanced tools and methods that promote superior design and manufacturing of products. We develop concepts and technical solutions for design thinking, concurrent engineering, distributed collaborative design and design knowledge reuse. The Center for Design Research (CDR) Industry Affiliates Program provides a unique relationship between academic research and industry.
Industry Affiliate Program for Teaching Design Thinking
Membership in the Design Group’s Industry Affiliate Program for Teaching Design Thinking gives industry representatives the opportunity for close association with the faculty and students in one of the nation’s most highly regarded design education programs.
Thermal and Fluid Sciences Affiliates and Sponsors Program
The Thermal and Fluid Sciences Affiliates Program (TFSA) is the industrial liaison program of the Thermosciences Group and Flow Physics and Computation Group. This long-standing program serves as a two-way conduit for recent research findings and industrial problems that motivate new research.